PADEP's Interim-Final Environmental Justice Policy May Impact Your Projects: What You Need to Know

October 5, 2023
MGKF Webinar

On September 16, 2023, PADEP published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin its Interim-Final Environmental Justice (EJ) Policy and Mapping Tool. The Interim-Final EJ Policy has expanded the boundaries of EJ areas and your project may now be affected.

  • How do the changes impact you? Your budget? Your permit application? Your timelines?
  • How do you use the new Mapping Tool (PennEnviroScreen) to assess your proximity to EJ areas?
  • What does new "enhanced public participation" really mean?
  • How does Permit Decision Guarantee fit into this?
  • Should you prepare comments before the October 29, 2023 deadline?

Register today to learn answers to these and other questions that may affect you and your business on Thursday, October 5 at 9:00 am ET.