"How Green is Green? Measuring Standards and Practices" at Green Building 101
Radnor Conservancy, League of Women Voters of Radnor Township, Radnor Township Environmental Advisory Council
MGKF Professional(s):
Radnor Township Municipal Building
301 Iven Avenue
Wayne, PA
As part of Green Building 101, a program of The Sustainability Series: Issues in Sustainable Living and Growth in Radnor Township sponsored by the Radnor Conservancy, League of Women Votors of Radnor Township, and the Radnor Township Environmental Advisory Council (EAC), MGKF partner and Radnor EAC Chair Brenda Hustis Gotanda will speak on "How Green is Green: Measuring Standards and Practices." Brenda's talk will address evaluating green building practices using current popular standards.
Other speakers at the program will include green builder/community leader Mark Janiczek on "What is Sustainability and Green Building?"; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Green Building Program Manager Lorna Rosenberg on "Promoting Green Building: Overview of State/Local Programs"; and Radnor Township School District Director of Operations Leo Bernabei on "Making it Real in Radnor, a Success Story."
Related Materials:
Sustainability Series Flier (PDF)
Janiczek Presentation (PDF)
Gotanda Presentation (PDF)
Rosenberg Presentation (PDF)
Bernabei Presentation (PDF)