Getting Renewable Projects Built: Overcoming the Barriers, Avoiding and Resolving Opposition and Disputes
American Council on Renewable Energy and American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy and Resources
MGKF Professional(s):
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST
The development of renewable energy requires massive new infrastructure deployment. "NIMBY" opposition, multiple agency regulatory requirements, zoning policies, and construction problems can create difficult obstacles to surmount. In this teleseminar, part of the Renewable Energy Teleconference Series, the panel will discuss how building public perception of the many long-term benefits of renewable projects can facilitate renewables growth, and how carefully designed processes can overcome barriers and avoid or minimize opposition, delays and disputes.
During the program, MGKF partner Bart Cassidy and a co-presenter will discuss strategies for preventing or addressing local opposition to renewable energy projects. This teleconference will also feature the Honorable Mark Spitzer, Commissioner of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, who will speak on "Getting America on Board."